Securing the Right Beneficiary
How sad it is when the wrong beneficiary is able to receive the proceeds of one’s life insurance? This is an all too common problem...
How sad it is when the wrong beneficiary is able to receive the proceeds of one’s life insurance? This is an all too common problem...
A life settlement occurs when a third party purchases an existing life insurance policy for more than its cash surrender value. This is a...
Reprinted by permission of the Financial Outcome© Capital Gains Taxes are tearing away your assets. Bypass that tax predator with a trust...
Reprinted by permission of the Los Angeles Business Journal™ There is a way to Sell Appreciated Assets without a Capital Gains Hit Are...
Over the last five to ten years, there has been a reduction in qualified benefits for highly compensated employees, and an increase in...
If you run a business in which you are able to hire your children to help you, then paying them wages for the work they do, will teach...
In a recent ruling, it was decided that monies received from a terminated annuity contract were taxable to the annuitant since the...
With the Pension Protection Act of 2006 IRC Code Section 408(d)(8) provided an annual exclusion from gross income up to $100,000 for any...
A Necessity for Closely Held Businesses Closely held companies have many agreements, but one of the most important is a buy/sell or...
An owner, who wishes to sell an interest in either his closely held corporation or S corporation, but does not have a current buyer, may...
ERISA generally makes it more attractive to retain funds in a qualified plan instead of converting the funds to a Roth IRA or traditional...
The very wealthy are always looking to decrease the appeal of specific assets with regard to creditors and litigants. There are new...
With 95% of the world’s litigation taking place in the United States, one must look to provide protection for their retirement assets. ...
Many people believe that the only kind of pension plan one can have is what is known as a qualified pension plan; i.e., pension which...